Play it Cool is a QuickTime movie player and simple movie editor.
It is a ‘fat application’ — it contains code for both 680x0 Mac and Power Mac computers. It plays all types of QuickTime movies.
68020 Macintosh — 68040 or PowerPC preferred.
Hard disk (any size).
1 MB available RAM — 4 MB preferred.
System 7.0 — System 7.5.x preferred.
QuickTime 1.6 — Version 2.1 preferred.
Sound Manager 3.1 is also preferable.
Smoothest Movie-Playing
Smoothest movie-playing of any movie player because:
- PowerPC native application using QuickTime PowerPlug
- Sets monitor to best depth
- Loads movie into RAM
- ‘Prerolls’ movie — i.e. loads the start of a movie for smooth playback
Stage Option
Increases movie performance because:
- Ignores background applications
- Blacks out all attached monitors
- Uses hardware scaling if supported
Movie Editing
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Add
- Add Scaled
- Can add sound to video-only movies and vice-versa.
Creates Movie-Applications
- These are self-playing movies which are double-clickable from the desktop.
- The desktop is blacked-out and the movie is played at optimal speed.
- User-definable text is shown before the movie plays.
Playback Options
- Play up to 5 times normal speed, forward or reverse
- Loop
- Loop Back and Forth
- Play Selection Only
- Play Every Frame
- Mute Sound
Save Movie Options
- Save with dependencies
- Save self-contained
- Save playable on non-Macintosh computers
Other Features
- Opens movies from the game “Myst”
- Recompress Movie
- Compress Picture
- Export Soundtrack as AIFF
- Copy Frame as PICT
- Print Frame
- Movie Information
- Real-time movie data (time code, frame number and frames per second)
Play it Cool is Shareware.
You may use Play it Cool on a trial basis for 3 weeks.
If, after that time, you like it and decide to keep it, please send a cheque for $Aust15 or $US15 (whichever you prefer) to:
Russell Clarke
PO Box 1046G
North Balwyn
VIC 3104
When you register, you receive a registration number and a disk containing the latest version. Registration:
• removes the Shareware notice at startup,
• enables you to save movies,
• enables you to copy movies between applications,
• enables you to open up to 20 movies at a time,
• enables you to build Movie-Applications from edited movies.
If you would rather register Play it Cool without receiving a disk, please send a cheque for $Aust12 or $US12 instead (whichever you prefer) to the address above, and please state that you do not wish to receive a disk.
Please support Shareware and register your copy!
Bug reports, suggestions, questions and comments are welcome.